Orange has revealed three new 5G test initiatives in the area surrounding Paris. Orange has extended its 5G tests in Greater Paris, rolling out test zones in the city's Opera district, Chatillon and Linas Montlhery. The announcement comes after French regulator ARCEP reached an agreement on the allocation of 5G spectrum in the 3.4-3.8GHz range. Orange intends to set up a designated 5G platform intended to demonstrate 5G usage on the move, at its Orange Opera megastore.
In Chatillon, Orange will offer its partners the opportunity to test new products and services at the company's 5G laboratory at the Orange Garden site. This laboratory will provide ultra-low latency test environments and speeds far in excess of those currently available on 4G networks.
The city of San Jose is shaping up as a public relations battle ground for AT&T and Verizon as they race to deploy small cells to support their networks and smart city solutions to support municipalities. Today both carriers shared announcements about their progress in San Jose, a city which has been called "the capital of Silicon Valley." AT&T and San Jose have added a public-private partnership to their existing small cell agreement. The new agreement calls for San Jose to trial AT&T's smart city solutions. AT&T's digital infrastructure, which the company has described as a "smartphone for cities," is connected hardware with integrated sensors that can be attached to lamp posts to capture information about the environment.
London's Mayor, Sadiq Khan, told journalists at the opening of London Tech Week that he wanted London to be the world leader in Smart City initiatives. Sadiq Khan says he wants London to become the world's leading smart city. Speaking at the opening of London Tech Week the Mayor of London said that it was down to young Londoners to create a Smart City legacy for future generations to enjoy. Mayor Khan reminded reporters at London Tech Week that the UK's capital is home to 745 Artificial Intelligence based companies – more than double that of its nearest competitor, Paris.
Singapore's Minister of Communications and Information says that his country is ready to lead the region in pioneering Smart City initiatives. Singapore will lead a collaborative network of South East Asian nations looking to speed up the deployment of Smart City initiatives, according to the country's Minister of Communications and Information. Speaking at the opening of the ConnecTechAsia event in Singapore earlier today, Mr S Iswaran said that Singapore would look to share its expertise with its regional neighbours in an attempt to kick-start Smart City initiatives in the region.
Avec un poste de pilotage des services publics connectés, la capitale bourguignonne posera en 2019 les bases de son projet de « smart-city ». Elle mise sur l'open data pour renouveler la démocratie participative et développer un écosystème de start-up. Eclairage, transports, ordures, eau, sécurité... Au premier trimestre 2019, les équipements publics des 24 communes constituant Dijon Métropole seront reliés à un poste de commandement unique, contre six jusqu'à présent. Le centre permettra ainsi de piloter en temps réel et avec une grande réactivité les services publics de la cité. L'objectif : mieux anticiper le renouvellement des équipements, améliorer la coordination des équipes en cas d'incident et renforcer la sûreté publique.