This ranking is the very first of its kind in our region. For a city to be included, it must have a high level of FTTH/B coverage. If this aspect is covered, Smart Projects are evaluated according to a number of predetermined points.
Cities must not only feature advanced infrastructure, but must also fully integrate truly useful and innovative solutions that rely on that infrastructure, networks of connected devices, and the data they provide.
Cities are ranked in two categories: Champs and Challengers. ‘Champs’ have almost complete fiber coverage all around the city and have reached maturity in the smart projects that have been deployed. These cities generally have a fairly complete smart city framework in place across different areas as well as operational smart projects. ‘Challengers’ are cities that are actively deploying Fiber infrastructure in order to realize their smart city Strategy, but don’t yet have a full panel of smart services based on Fiber. Instead, the focus is on specific domains.
In the ‘Champs’ category, Singapore scored highest, with 93% FTTH/B coverage, 100% 4G coverage and over 10, 000 WiFi hotspots. Tokyo (Japan) comes in second place, and Seoul (South Korea) is third, both with roughly 90% FTTH/B coverage. Hong Kong, Busan (South Korea) and Melbourne (Australia) are respectively fourth, fifth and sixth.
In the ‘Challenger’ category, Shanghai (China) scored highest, with around 90% FTTH/B coverage. Second and third are Hangzhou and Wuhan (China). Runners up are Selangor (Malaysia), Jakarta (Indonesia), Bhubaneswar (India) and Ho Chi Minh (Vietnam).
The ranking promotes the specific concept of a ‘Smart Fiber City’ as the FTTH Council believes that only a Smart City enabled by Fiber can be a genuine Smart City.
“The research into Smart Fiber Cities shows that we are just at the beginning of these developments”, states Venkatesan Babu, President, FTTH Council Asia-Pacific. “Across APAC, we see many mature projects in areas such as e-government and security, with 5G-based applications in, for example, transport and disaster management coming up. We have great expectation for the large numbers of pilots in areas such as healthcare, smart grids and autonomous traffic. We look forward to closely follow new developments in the coming years!”
About FTTH Council Asia-Pacific
The FTTH Council Asia-Pacific is a non-profit organization established in 2005 in Singapore. The organization is building on the success of its sister organizations in the US and Europe to educate the industry and the general public on the opportunities and benefits of FTTH solutions. FTTH Council Asia-Pacific members represent all areas of broadband industries, including telecommunications, computing, networking, system integration, engineering and content-provider companies, as well as traditional telecommunications service providers, utilities and municipalities.
This year’s annual FTTH Council APAC conference is focusing on ‘5G Smart Cities Enabled by Fiber’ and explores how the Asia Pacific fiber broadband industry is deploying FTTx and deep fiber at the ‘edge’, creating a converged platform for Smart Cities and 5G networks. The FTTH Council Asia-Pacific has also been appointed as the Chair of the FTTH Council Global Alliance (FCGA) for 2019. This global platform combines the strengths of six regional FTTH Councils.
Source: FTTh Council Asia Pacific