

 Smart Cambridge is exploring how data, innovative technology and better connectivity can be used to transform the way people live, work and travel in the Greater Cambridge area and beyond. Established as a workstream by the Greater Cambridge City Deal in August 2015, this rapidly evolving programme is harnessing emerging technologies to improve the economic strength and sustainability of the area.

Local councils, technology businesses, university researchers and partner organisations are working together to find smart ways to tackle city challenges, such as transport and air quality. With investment from the City Deal, the Smart Cambridge programme is being scaled up from 2017-2020, to focus on maximising the impact of transport-related work through:

  • Better quantity, quality and use of data
  • Embedding digital solutions and emerging technology
  • Collaboration with business, community and academic sectors
  • The pioneering research is managed through Connecting Cambridgeshire and is overseen by a Project Board and an Advisory Group to steer the work and give technical guidance.

To date the programme has deployed an IoT network across the city supported by a real time data hub developed by the University of Cambridge and a LoRa network.


Mobility is one of the key areas of work and initial trials of an Autonomous Vehicle shuttle as part of the transport system have taken place with a deployment of six, 12 seater vehicles being deployed next summer as part of the public transport system. 


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