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The members platform includes companies from different sectors and infrastructures such as telecom, information technology, energy, health, water and all other related industries.

Members benefit from its large cities platform and researches for better collaboration and business developments by promoting their companies, solutions and services with a global visibility and networking.

Members benefits:

  • Exclusive access to the partners and members networking platforms
  • Access to online library including detailed studies, analysts reports and papers
  • Visibility as a member on its website and online and printed publications
  • Opportunities to participate in the working committees
  • Opportunities to participate in the cities meeting and events
  • Opportunities to share and publish its solutions and know-how

Companies can apply for a membership through an annual fee. Join NOW to help build the cities of the future and transform your cities to smart cities.

Join via the online application form or send a a request to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for membership details and queries

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